今年適逢新冠肺炎肆虐全球,世界的運行有了巨大的改變。HCOOP也不例外,原本規劃好的各項出國服務計劃被迫暫停,疫情的惡化使得計劃的執行看似遙遙無期。對於一個以海外服務為主的組織而言,無異是一記重擊。 但是當上天關了一扇門,必打開另扇窗。雖然無法出國,但是我們與當地健康合作夥伴的關係仍是緊密的,透過視訊連線,持續進行各項健康服務計劃。在印尼,善德學校的門診中心開工興建,關注改善幼稚園的營養及教育;在尼泊爾,金剛寺診所進行尿液檢測,試圖找出寺院及學校中隱藏的慢性病;在斯里蘭卡,透過斯里蘭卡在台留學生的協助下,完成了村莊健康及水資源調查,並進行後續水質提昇計劃。 從當地健康合作夥伴的熱情參與和回應,我們可以感受到HCOOP這些年在海外各地的愛心播種及empowerment是成功的。在未來的一年,我們也希望大家能一起發心,繼續支持組織健康服務的理念,用行動做公益,將台灣的愛心輸出到世界的每一個角落。
The COVID-19 pandemic this year has seriously changed the whole world. HCOOP has also been affected. Various international service projects had been suspended. What was worse was that the worsening pandemic made them on hold indefinitely. It is a blow to an organization which focuses on international services. However, just as Alexander Graham Bell once said, “When one door closes, another opens.” Although we cannot go abroad, we have been able to keep in touch with our foreign friends. We continued to perform our health service projects virtually. In Indonesia, the construction of the outpatient center in Sekolah Putra Bangsa Berbudi school has started and we continued to concerned about the children’s nutrition and education at the kindergarten. At Palyul Urgen Dorjee Chholing Monastery in Nepal, we conducted urinalysis screen for possible chronic disorders. In a village in Sri Lanka, we completed the health survey of the people and the survey of the water and started the project of upgrading the water quality with the assistance of some Sri Lanka students in Taiwan. From the full participation and valuable feedback of our foreign friends, we feel the empowerment services of HCOOP in various places have been successful. In the coming year, we hope that people will continue to support our health care services and let us contribute our abilities and love to every corner of the world.
理事長 范文誌President Wen-Chih Fann